DINAR - Commentary worth reading
WOW...this is one of the BEST articles I've read on the WHOLE picture of what is happening with the dinar, AND the banking system! Do yourself a favor and read this thoroughly, it's chock-full of amazing insights, juicy details, and blessed reassurance!!!
Thorough Commentary on the DINAR . . .
It has been a while, but I did not want to repeat myself, give false hope, or just echo what is flying about on the internet. Today, I read a blog from a friend that was quite encouraging and I want to share with you all my viewpoint.
It is very important to understand how something could be made from nothing. I heard a famous money advisor on the radio this week saying the dinar was a scam, based on the uncertainty of the Iraqi government and the current value of the dinar. Under normal economic circumstances, this is ABSOLUTELY correct. Today, we have no normal circumstance whatsoever, so all bets are off. The Euro is about to implode, the third largest economy in Europe is collapsing, and the funds for illegal banking are being frozen. The dinar was created to print wealth. If I give you a dollar for a loaf of bread, you now understand that things similar to loaf of bread cost a dollar. That dollar is then traded to other things for about the same value. If secretly, I have a printing press in my garage that spits out dollars, I can spend those dollars for things also of a similar value. However, if I print too many dollars on my press, the neighbors may grow weary of me buying all their stuff. The demand for dollars drops. This is called inflation. To combat inflation and create value out of nothing, all I have to do is get everyone to use my dollars and not use anyone else’s. The ultimate goal would be to get the world to use my dollars. Then I could never spend too much, because there would be an enormous demand for my dollars. This is precisely what the Federal Reserve has done since 1913. Over the last ten years, however, the world has reached its capacity for dollars. Those holding them, must keep them tied up or the value would drop to near zero. So the plan is to trade dollars amongst the privileged, while maintaining high demand if possible from the economy. Thus, the economy must be kept dollar poor to keep the demand high. In the backdrop, those with the press have printed quadrillions of dollars simply by making entries on a computer screen, and funneled it into strategic bank accounts. Those account owners know that releasing too much money at once will devalue their own holdings and reveal who they are. It is a vicious circle.
Asset backed wealth is the antidote. It cannot be revalued easily because the supply is limited and the demand is steady or growing. It cannot be created at will, but requires a production and the economic engine to gather together. I predict that the current economy will never be restored until the move to asset backed wealth is made. The currency could be gold or silver or toenails or belly button lint. I don’t care which. It just can’t be paper. Some of you need to take my Class 201 – Paper Mache Castles. If you are still tracking me, there was a time when the current system really took off. After the surrender of Japan took place on the USS Missouri in late 1945, a secret agreement was made. The right to print the money in Japan was given over to a wing of the the Agency. The asset backed wealth was put into reserve, and eventually turned over to an international holding bank.
Prior to that in China, the reserve of gold was shipped to America for “safe keeping” and bonds were printed in the Philippines as a promise to repay. They did this to avoid Japan looting their wealth. These reserves of asset backed wealth were looted by the banking cabal instead, as it was rising to power and taking advantage of the effects of the war. There are always winners and losers. When China’s loan came due, China demanded the delivery of the gold. The western bankers would not return it and my guess is that much of it was lost to private accounts and reserves when they were supposed to be keeping it safe. They were given 50 years to steal it, and so they did. China complained to the international court and won. Much of the gold and paperwork concerning this repayment was kept in the twin towers and now we are into conspiracy.
I will leave it at that, but no one can review the evidence that is out there now and not determine that there is much more to 9/11 than what the news told us. Nevertheless, these Asian reserves are vast and not limited to what was stolen over the years. They are the collections from dynasties, hidden in huge reserves in Asia and elsewhere. The Federal Reserve did not steal it all, but when there has been a release of these assets, great attempts have been made to steal it. If you think about the $2~3 trillion USD that China is holding today, you have to recognize the quandary that China is in.
They are sitting on vast assets, which they cannot move for fear of being stolen, and the money they are holding is US dollars, which if they spend it now its value will collapse faster than they can spend it. I don’t think that is much of an exaggeration. Thus, enter the dinar. It is merely a vehicle to get US dollars transferred from the holdings of the banking elite to the main street. It is driven by international interests to jump start the economy and get liquidity back in the hands of the people who will spend it to live.
You had to make this currency vehicle cheap or else no normal person could afford to invest much. It had to be available, which is why so much was shipped to the US and elsewhere. You had to make the gain big, because giving a few dollars to anyone would have no impact on fixing things. Then you had to force the banks to revalue it. The enemy holds the control over that button. Why would they push the button willingly? They wouldn’t. Their toxic paper was made toxic on purpose, to be bought for a song and held long enough to allow the default to take place.
Foreclosures are up again in November, on purpose. So the good guys, who used to be the bad guys according to our news and good guys, are forcing the hand of the banks. It is getting serious and will eventually come to pass. Hang in there. Keep in mind that it is now known by most governments around the world that this banking control is intentional and deliberately focused on controlling assets and existing wealth. This is why you see defectors now in European governments and the inability of the elite to rectify the money problems. It is also why you saw people being arrested for closing their accounts in the big banks during the occupy protests. It is why you saw Obama levying a Christmas Tree tax, (they are desperate). It is why there is this general disgust for America amongst the nations.
It is not America, however, but those who represent their own banking and money interests. The world is waking up. The house of cards is falling down. Strong international powers sent Interpol into the United States, starting in 2010. There were like 7 plane loads of international police that came here to audit the Fed. This is not our government being audited, but the private banking system that controls every politician. They were deputized by the President, but I believe this was his hand being forced. The executive order is #12425 if you care to research it.
When the Fed was recently audited, it was discovered that like $16 Trillion was given out to special interests and foreign banks. When you understand that, you know that they do not wish to get the economy going again and release all the debtors. Plain and simple. Conspiracy? No, not really. It is about greed and control. If you on main street prosper, their machine collapses. It has taken a lot of work to get you in this position without you knowing it. This Executive Order above is the president being drug along kicking and screaming. The release of these police in the US has uncovered much of the illegal banking practices, the false flag attacks, the phony war stories, and so forth.
Many of the trusted leaders are going to jail soon and many Americans are going to feel quite foolish for being on the wrong side. Doesn’t matter which political affiliation you are. 2012 promises to be a dramatic year, so believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Hopefully you do that already. I still strongly maintain that the dinar will be revalued. It is not a matter of investment. Don’t call it that, because it is not. There is no investment that repays 3000 to 1 in normal circumstances. The dinar was created for the sole purpose of transferring wealth and to create a windfall tax for the US government. It was planned from the beginning. It will not be decided by the Iraqi government and it will not depend on some law to be passed. Those are all distractions. This will take place when the timing is right those who are blocking it are out of the way.
It is close now, keep watch..Interpol is about to make some moves behind the scenes. You will see these come out as scandals and offenses of the crazy kind. Don’t get tangled up in any of it. The agency has a dossier on everyone in Washington. It is simply a matter of time.
IS THE Iraqi DINAR A JOKE ,is the iqd a scam study in the currency Battle---throw a brick
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Iraq Dinar Revaluation
IQD --- What is really behind the Iraq Dinar Revaluation
This is a well written piece on the IQD...
Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth
Subject: IQD
What else is behind the delay of the “RV”? and “What’s Really Behind the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation?”
One very significant thing that most who have purchased Iraqi Dinar have not been told, not considering, or factor into all the delays – it has been stated that there are at least 123, and as many as 153, other countries which are to have their currencies revalued at the same time as the Iraqi Dinar. Coordinating such an event, and working to have those countries agree to having their currencies manipulated for the sake of “world commerce” (and to help rejuvenate the world financial system), doesn’t happen “overnight”, and takes a significant amount of work, time, and cooperation, to complete such an event – which may be unprecedented in world history.That the “RV” hasn’t happened, seems to some who doubt the validity of Foreign Currency exchanging to support their thoughts, and cast doubt on those who have purchased Iraqi Dinar. Those who doubt the validity of this, and think it is a “scam”, have primarily looked for what might support their assumptions, and not obtained or “weighed” all the evidence. [It must be noted here that these negotiations have been ongoing for many years, at least back to the early 90’s. bez7]
What’s Really Behind this Dinar Revaluation? The Babylonian system intends to use this to infuse a huge amount of cash into its near-collapsed world-wide banking system. Essentially, they are monetizing Iraq’s natural resources–that is, they are printing up debt notes (thought to be money) to sell the Iraqi’s oil and natural gas that is yet in the ground.I believe that this was the plan of the bankers and oil companies from the beginning. Trick Saddam Hussein into attacking Kuwait so that there was an excuse to put Iraq under UN Sanctions. Then there would be a two-pronged attack on Iraq: the first by militarily taking over the country, and the second by financially taking over the country’s natural assets (oil and gas).The military phase is finished, for all practical purposes. Once “stability” is established, then Phase II can occur. “The Fed” has reportedly bought about $7 trillion Iraqi dinar at low, low prices–probably no more than $2-3 billion in all, and when the Iraqi Dinar is revalued, “the Fed” (or rather those who own the banks that own the Fed) has incentive to push for a high rate of exchange in order to increase its profit.Secondly, apparently, “the Fed” has “agreed” not to dump Iraq’s Dinar on Iraq all at once, but to use them to purchase oil at a predetermined low rate of about $40 per barrel (some have stated the price to the US is to be no more than $32 per barrel – but who or what is meant by “the US”?). With the price of oil now about $90 per barrel, this means that the Fed’s Iraqi Dinars–whatever the revalued rate turns out to be–will be worth at least double to them than what the Dinar will be for us in actual purchasing power.If the revaluation comes in at, say, $5/dinar, then the Fed’s $7 trillion worth of Dinar would be worth $35 trillion toward the purchase of Iraqi oil and gas. And,they will get to purchase Iraq’s natural resources at a low, low rate, essentially doubling the purchase power of their Dinar to the equivalent of $70 trillion or more.Hence, for a mere 2-3 billion dollars (of their own Federal Reserve Notes?), “the Fed” has by its plan, mortgaged Iraq’s entire wealth in the ground for the next century. The cost of securing these resources militarily cost them nothing, because the US Treasury paid the troops to do their work for them. The US Treasury paid for it by borrowing more “money” (Federal Reserve Notes) from “the Fed”, which was created for “the Fed” at a cost of nothing to them, and then loaned to the US Government – plus interest.I deplore this plot against Iraq, but, I understand that certain men have been doing such things for a long, long time, and America too, has been a victim of the same kind of takeover by monetary manipulation. Such is the nature of the beast of Babylon.Some may ask, then why we should participate in the plot by buying Iraqi Dinar? First, there are supposedly about 3 million American “little guys” who have only purchased about $1.6 trillion Iraqi Dinar. Most other nations (if not all) have laws prohibiting the sale of Iraqi Dinar within their countries. “The Fed” has succeeded in limiting these sales to Americans (by publicizing it is a scam, along with banks that do not want their employees to become millionaires and quit their jobs – which the bank trained them to do), not because they like us so much, but because when we “cash in” the revalued Iraqi dinars at the bank (exchange Dinar for bank credits or Federal Reserve Notes), the dinars make their way to the bank vaults of “the Fed”! “The Fed” pays the banks for the Dinar with Federal Reserve Notes or credits, but these Dinar are worth at least twice as much to “the Fed” in purchasing Iraqi oil and gas (which is then sold to whom…for what price?).So, those who own the banks that own “the Fed” are using us (Americans) to legitimize their plan to enhance their balance sheets.So much for the plans “of mice and men”. The real question is: What is God’s Divine Plan in all of this?When we look at the prophetic history of Babylon and see Iraq as a type of Babylon, the plan unfolds perfectly. When the kings of the East conquered Babylon in the days of Daniel, they first diverted the Euphrates River and then walked into the city on the dry river bed. They killed the king (Belshazzar), and the city fell to them intact.The drying up of the Euphrates is mentioned in Isaiah 44, as well as in Revelation 16, where it is pictured as part of the prophetic sequence of events. The Euphrates is the life blood of Babylon, and it prophetically represents the life blood of modern Mystery Babylon. That life blood is MONEY. It is cash flow – liquidity, is the river current (currency).When the Iraqi dinar revalues, it is prophetic of the diversion of the Euphrates before the fall of Babylon–i.e., the “type” of Babylon, which is Iraq today. We will have a short time in which to cash in/exchange dinars before “the city falls”. I do not suggest holding on to Iraqi Dinar while awaiting an increase in their value. Let “the Fed” do that, because their greed will be their downfall.Iraq‘s Prime Minister is Mr. Maliki. The Hebrew word for “king” is Melek. It appears to me that Maliki is prophetically representing the “king of Babylon,” or Belshazzar of old. It appears to me that Mr. Maliki will be overthrown at some point, more likely killed (assassinated), and that this will enflame the entire country in a civil war. The nation will split into three parts, as Revelation 16 indicates.Iraq is already politically and religiously divided into three parts, and it is presently taking “a lot of glue” to hold them together. I believe that an assassination would split the nation into three parts along those natural fault lines. When this happens, none of those three pieces will honor the present Dinar but will begin printing their own currencies.“The Fed” will then be caught with close to $9 trillion “confederate” Iraqi Dinar that will be as the worthless pieces of paper they once were. That, I believe, will cause the final collapse of Mystery Babylon - in the bigger picture. In other words, the “type” (Iraq) will be a regional picture of a much bigger collapse of the entire Babylonian worldwide system.This is my opinion and understanding of the prophecies in Scripture. As always, I may be wrong, but this is how I see it working out. The final outcome of the great conspiracy of “the Fed” against Iraq will backfire because they do not know that God is running a counter-conspiracy to catch them in their own trap.I believe that God is going to use this situation to help fund the Kingdom. There will be a short window of opportunity that may only last a few months or a year. So, if you find yourselves with Iraqi Dinar that are worth something, do not plan to hold on to it hoping it will increase in value or as you might if it were “precious metal”. Use it to help build the Kingdom and to prepare for the overthrow of “that great City”. Use the money to buy things of real value that will be useful in the times ahead, so that you will be part of the solution, rather than be destroyed along with what has been the problem.
This is a well written piece on the IQD...
Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth
Subject: IQD
What else is behind the delay of the “RV”? and “What’s Really Behind the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation?”
One very significant thing that most who have purchased Iraqi Dinar have not been told, not considering, or factor into all the delays – it has been stated that there are at least 123, and as many as 153, other countries which are to have their currencies revalued at the same time as the Iraqi Dinar. Coordinating such an event, and working to have those countries agree to having their currencies manipulated for the sake of “world commerce” (and to help rejuvenate the world financial system), doesn’t happen “overnight”, and takes a significant amount of work, time, and cooperation, to complete such an event – which may be unprecedented in world history.That the “RV” hasn’t happened, seems to some who doubt the validity of Foreign Currency exchanging to support their thoughts, and cast doubt on those who have purchased Iraqi Dinar. Those who doubt the validity of this, and think it is a “scam”, have primarily looked for what might support their assumptions, and not obtained or “weighed” all the evidence. [It must be noted here that these negotiations have been ongoing for many years, at least back to the early 90’s. bez7]
What’s Really Behind this Dinar Revaluation? The Babylonian system intends to use this to infuse a huge amount of cash into its near-collapsed world-wide banking system. Essentially, they are monetizing Iraq’s natural resources–that is, they are printing up debt notes (thought to be money) to sell the Iraqi’s oil and natural gas that is yet in the ground.I believe that this was the plan of the bankers and oil companies from the beginning. Trick Saddam Hussein into attacking Kuwait so that there was an excuse to put Iraq under UN Sanctions. Then there would be a two-pronged attack on Iraq: the first by militarily taking over the country, and the second by financially taking over the country’s natural assets (oil and gas).The military phase is finished, for all practical purposes. Once “stability” is established, then Phase II can occur. “The Fed” has reportedly bought about $7 trillion Iraqi dinar at low, low prices–probably no more than $2-3 billion in all, and when the Iraqi Dinar is revalued, “the Fed” (or rather those who own the banks that own the Fed) has incentive to push for a high rate of exchange in order to increase its profit.Secondly, apparently, “the Fed” has “agreed” not to dump Iraq’s Dinar on Iraq all at once, but to use them to purchase oil at a predetermined low rate of about $40 per barrel (some have stated the price to the US is to be no more than $32 per barrel – but who or what is meant by “the US”?). With the price of oil now about $90 per barrel, this means that the Fed’s Iraqi Dinars–whatever the revalued rate turns out to be–will be worth at least double to them than what the Dinar will be for us in actual purchasing power.If the revaluation comes in at, say, $5/dinar, then the Fed’s $7 trillion worth of Dinar would be worth $35 trillion toward the purchase of Iraqi oil and gas. And,they will get to purchase Iraq’s natural resources at a low, low rate, essentially doubling the purchase power of their Dinar to the equivalent of $70 trillion or more.Hence, for a mere 2-3 billion dollars (of their own Federal Reserve Notes?), “the Fed” has by its plan, mortgaged Iraq’s entire wealth in the ground for the next century. The cost of securing these resources militarily cost them nothing, because the US Treasury paid the troops to do their work for them. The US Treasury paid for it by borrowing more “money” (Federal Reserve Notes) from “the Fed”, which was created for “the Fed” at a cost of nothing to them, and then loaned to the US Government – plus interest.I deplore this plot against Iraq, but, I understand that certain men have been doing such things for a long, long time, and America too, has been a victim of the same kind of takeover by monetary manipulation. Such is the nature of the beast of Babylon.Some may ask, then why we should participate in the plot by buying Iraqi Dinar? First, there are supposedly about 3 million American “little guys” who have only purchased about $1.6 trillion Iraqi Dinar. Most other nations (if not all) have laws prohibiting the sale of Iraqi Dinar within their countries. “The Fed” has succeeded in limiting these sales to Americans (by publicizing it is a scam, along with banks that do not want their employees to become millionaires and quit their jobs – which the bank trained them to do), not because they like us so much, but because when we “cash in” the revalued Iraqi dinars at the bank (exchange Dinar for bank credits or Federal Reserve Notes), the dinars make their way to the bank vaults of “the Fed”! “The Fed” pays the banks for the Dinar with Federal Reserve Notes or credits, but these Dinar are worth at least twice as much to “the Fed” in purchasing Iraqi oil and gas (which is then sold to whom…for what price?).So, those who own the banks that own “the Fed” are using us (Americans) to legitimize their plan to enhance their balance sheets.So much for the plans “of mice and men”. The real question is: What is God’s Divine Plan in all of this?When we look at the prophetic history of Babylon and see Iraq as a type of Babylon, the plan unfolds perfectly. When the kings of the East conquered Babylon in the days of Daniel, they first diverted the Euphrates River and then walked into the city on the dry river bed. They killed the king (Belshazzar), and the city fell to them intact.The drying up of the Euphrates is mentioned in Isaiah 44, as well as in Revelation 16, where it is pictured as part of the prophetic sequence of events. The Euphrates is the life blood of Babylon, and it prophetically represents the life blood of modern Mystery Babylon. That life blood is MONEY. It is cash flow – liquidity, is the river current (currency).When the Iraqi dinar revalues, it is prophetic of the diversion of the Euphrates before the fall of Babylon–i.e., the “type” of Babylon, which is Iraq today. We will have a short time in which to cash in/exchange dinars before “the city falls”. I do not suggest holding on to Iraqi Dinar while awaiting an increase in their value. Let “the Fed” do that, because their greed will be their downfall.Iraq‘s Prime Minister is Mr. Maliki. The Hebrew word for “king” is Melek. It appears to me that Maliki is prophetically representing the “king of Babylon,” or Belshazzar of old. It appears to me that Mr. Maliki will be overthrown at some point, more likely killed (assassinated), and that this will enflame the entire country in a civil war. The nation will split into three parts, as Revelation 16 indicates.Iraq is already politically and religiously divided into three parts, and it is presently taking “a lot of glue” to hold them together. I believe that an assassination would split the nation into three parts along those natural fault lines. When this happens, none of those three pieces will honor the present Dinar but will begin printing their own currencies.“The Fed” will then be caught with close to $9 trillion “confederate” Iraqi Dinar that will be as the worthless pieces of paper they once were. That, I believe, will cause the final collapse of Mystery Babylon - in the bigger picture. In other words, the “type” (Iraq) will be a regional picture of a much bigger collapse of the entire Babylonian worldwide system.This is my opinion and understanding of the prophecies in Scripture. As always, I may be wrong, but this is how I see it working out. The final outcome of the great conspiracy of “the Fed” against Iraq will backfire because they do not know that God is running a counter-conspiracy to catch them in their own trap.I believe that God is going to use this situation to help fund the Kingdom. There will be a short window of opportunity that may only last a few months or a year. So, if you find yourselves with Iraqi Dinar that are worth something, do not plan to hold on to it hoping it will increase in value or as you might if it were “precious metal”. Use it to help build the Kingdom and to prepare for the overthrow of “that great City”. Use the money to buy things of real value that will be useful in the times ahead, so that you will be part of the solution, rather than be destroyed along with what has been the problem.
If this currency does not revalue by the first of the year'. it may be a scam. wE WILL BLAME IT ON BUSH
Saturday, October 15, 2011
dinar scams rv
Folks use the scam word way too much on the net.NOW,is the selling or buying real dinar a scam ?NO,Dealers have been buying and selling dinars for several years.Will this currency revalue? oPINONS very on the net.No its worthless to yes the country must rv their money.This is interesting,we will see if this is the story.
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