Monday, April 02, 2012 8:12 PM My friends, we are about to witness a massive change that has never before been seen in our world- both financially, politically, spiritually, and in every aspect of our lives. I have told you about the arrests that are happening all over the world right now- bankers and politicians being the biggest targets. This is happening because over the years several groups of very very informed men and women from the military/pentagon, various 3 letter groups, and secret underground groups from all over the world have banded together (with some very special help ) to bring down the twisted deadly empire of the Illuminatti/NWO/dark cabal.
These groups have made massive sacrifices to insure that the rest of humanity on this planet will have a chance to be free. They are currently on the cusp of the launching of a new global economic initiative that will end global debt and return us to a commodities based financial system.
There are several groups involved and several "Prosperity Packages" that will be launched very very soon. These packages will end global poverty and end the serfdom and slavery that has been imposed on us by a group of greedy men intent of owning and controlling everything. One of many important factors of this global economic change over is the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar.
This was originally planned by Bush as a means to make him and his cronies very very very wealthy, but through his fumbling of the invasion of Iraq (and his stupidity) the news of the revaluation leaked out to the public and now millions of people have invested in buying Iraqi Dinars. Because of this, Bush and the Illuminatti/Dark cabal have done everything in their power to stop the revaluation from happening- having the main stream media call it "A Scam", even creating back doors into the computer systems to steal the money when the new rates go live.
THIS is the main reason for the arrests that happened this past week. Arrests that are rumored to include Bush jr & sr. Hilary Clinton, and Bill Gates (who orchestrated the 40 back doors that were found in the computer system)- It is also said that Timothy Geithner was arrested and questioned on the 24th and released with a "body guard" to make sure he doesn't leave the country. At the same time that the IQD is revalued well over a hundred other currencies will also be revaluing.
Along with the Prosperity packages there will be full disclosure- disclosure of the atrocities that have been committed by these men over the last 200 years. Information will be released about advanced technologies that will free this planet from the toxic petroleum/ nuclear/chemical wastes that are destroying us.
Patents that have been locked away by the US government and labled a "danger to national security" will be made public and will be put into production. New ways of creating truly clean energy, powering transportation, medical technology.... technologies that we should have had access to many years ago, but that were hidden away. These technologies have been withheld so that the shadow government could keep the people of this planet repressed, and to further their agenda of drastically reducing the global population.
Yes, there are cures for cancer and AIDs- they have been withheld for years and years because the corporations run by these men, make money from the sales of drugs and from the huge grants they receive to do "research". Very soon the Big Pharma industry will have their dirty laundry hung out for everyone to see- the massive use of drugs and vaccines to disable and dupe the people- to keep us drugged so that we cannot fight back. This will all be disclosed.
I am asking you to have an open mind. I am asking you to look around, to turn off the TV, to do your own research. Right now the MSM has a complete black out on all the arrests that are happening, but soon this black out will be lifted and they will be able to report the truth of what's happening. As I get more information I will post it, and I will also post more articles that will go into the details of exactly what is happening and why. This may have come from
My friends, we are about to witness a massive change that has never before been seen in our world- both financially, politically, spiritually, and in every aspect of our lives. I have told you about the arrests that are happening all over the world right now- bankers and politicians being the biggest targets. This is happening because over the years several groups of very very informed men and women from the military/pentagon, various 3 letter groups, and secret underground groups from all over the world have banded together (with some very special help ) to bring down the twisted deadly empire of the Illuminatti/NWO/dark cabal.
These groups have made massive sacrifices to insure that the rest of humanity on this planet will have a chance to be free. They are currently on the cusp of the launching of a new global economic initiative that will end global debt and return us to a commodities based financial system.
There are several groups involved and several "Prosperity Packages" that will be launched very very soon. These packages will end global poverty and end the serfdom and slavery that has been imposed on us by a group of greedy men intent of owning and controlling everything. One of many important factors of this global economic change over is the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar.
This was originally planned by Bush as a means to make him and his cronies very very very wealthy, but through his fumbling of the invasion of Iraq (and his stupidity) the news of the revaluation leaked out to the public and now millions of people have invested in buying Iraqi Dinars. Because of this, Bush and the Illuminatti/Dark cabal have done everything in their power to stop the revaluation from happening- having the main stream media call it "A Scam", even creating back doors into the computer systems to steal the money when the new rates go live.
THIS is the main reason for the arrests that happened this past week. Arrests that are rumored to include Bush jr & sr. Hilary Clinton, and Bill Gates (who orchestrated the 40 back doors that were found in the computer system)- It is also said that Timothy Geithner was arrested and questioned on the 24th and released with a "body guard" to make sure he doesn't leave the country. At the same time that the IQD is revalued well over a hundred other currencies will also be revaluing.
Along with the Prosperity packages there will be full disclosure- disclosure of the atrocities that have been committed by these men over the last 200 years. Information will be released about advanced technologies that will free this planet from the toxic petroleum/ nuclear/chemical wastes that are destroying us.
Patents that have been locked away by the US government and labled a "danger to national security" will be made public and will be put into production. New ways of creating truly clean energy, powering transportation, medical technology.... technologies that we should have had access to many years ago, but that were hidden away. These technologies have been withheld so that the shadow government could keep the people of this planet repressed, and to further their agenda of drastically reducing the global population.
Yes, there are cures for cancer and AIDs- they have been withheld for years and years because the corporations run by these men, make money from the sales of drugs and from the huge grants they receive to do "research". Very soon the Big Pharma industry will have their dirty laundry hung out for everyone to see- the massive use of drugs and vaccines to disable and dupe the people- to keep us drugged so that we cannot fight back. This will all be disclosed.
I am asking you to have an open mind. I am asking you to look around, to turn off the TV, to do your own research. Right now the MSM has a complete black out on all the arrests that are happening, but soon this black out will be lifted and they will be able to report the truth of what's happening. As I get more information I will post it, and I will also post more articles that will go into the details of exactly what is happening and why.
This may have come from