IS THE Iraqi DINAR A JOKE ,is the iqd a scam study in the currency Battle---throw a brick
Monday, December 24, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
indication of the global currency reset, international release
One thing we do know is the gurus do not know. The gurus are a whoot,,, One thing i do know ,i did hear with my own ears from Fox news. 2 TIMES while watching the idiot box, the dinar scams blogger has heard them say words like a global currency reset.The first time was back in fall of 2011. Now,something is going to happen sometime,,, lol
Sunday, June 24, 2012
sos same old stuff
Stay grounded,they some say it is any minute. Now,saying any minute may not keep folks grounded.Our opinion Iqd intel has never had much as to when the Iraqi Dinar will revalue/. When we see any major currency shift we will be back to this blog. Until that moment in time,success2all.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
As the Iraqi Dinar turns
We really would rather blog about the lifting of the zeros,but many Gurus are talking about "do not call the banks".When they say it" live at the bank "that means It is funny. Now,how significant is flashing bank numbers? They say it could drive a good Guru insane. Now. the day we see a real "activation" we shall be back to this blog. We do not like this soap opera on the revaluation of the of the Iraqi Dinar.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Please Whale tweet us,tweet the truth

Thursday, April 19, 2012
The gurus declare another rv watch ,ground hog day

It has been a month(previous blog post) and the DINAR RV speculators are saying it is very soon. Some are saying it is all about Iraq,. Some are saying it is a total global currency reset.Now ,dinar scams blog can say we do not know.We also said we would not post any more to post rv. We do not know what the Bis,Imf and Ust are doing,period. This is a promise,no more post until that day comes. This blog will see if the Iraqi dinar investment is a scam We wish massive success to all folks. God ,bless and this is an interesting event.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
This is nothing new but the gurus are due.Many are saying the rv will be done by the the Arab summit.The ARAB summit is starting the end of March.Now, the only post you will see at this blog is real revaluation not watch.When will the real rv blog post ,we shall see.Many folks have been watching since 2003.So come back later.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Iraqi Dinar revalue date and rate
I must stay away from forums.Some folks say the currency is to day everyday. Most say the jig is up very soon.The back wall is the Arab Summit.Even more interesting is the rate of the revalue.From 86 cents all the way to 13 dollars. Some say it is definitely pegged to the U.S. dollar ,some say it absolutely the British pound. go figure Now,I will be back the day the rv takes place to blog on this blog..The day a person can see a rate that say Iraq has revalued their currency.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Now,it was three years i heard about the Iraqi Dinar as an investment.The currency will revalue was what i was reading in an opportunity forum.My first thought was i do not think so.My nephew was over there and said,the country is a mess. Now back in June of 2011,a great friend of mine said this is real AND PLEASE READ all the info he will email me.For me the clincher was the future of Iraq project. Then i said self buying some Dinar may be worth a shot.We shall see how this goes.Next blog will be the Iraqi dinar rate and date post.
Monday, March 5, 2012
China and Dinar
From a person in China who knows directly what is going on:
The Dinar RV will happen this week FOR SURE...
This is now in the hands of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements)...instead of the US Treasury
G is under house arrest. K, has been arrested.
B is being held for treason on 30 some odd counts in China.
(He was the one that was hacking into the master computers and screwing up this RV for months)
Lots more going on that was going on and of course you know that there are 116 International Bank Registrations
This list includes Banks, Investment Houses, Sovereign Wealth Funds,
Equity Funds, Savings Retirement Funds and other shadow banking
organizations. The line is very blurry between these entities, some are
owned by banks some are banks, some invest in banks as well as
owning entire industries (common in Hong Kong and Japan). .
So all of this will be tied together and the RV will happen this week.No one has said that before.
The Dinar RV will happen this week FOR SURE...
This is now in the hands of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements)...instead of the US Treasury
G is under house arrest. K, has been arrested.
B is being held for treason on 30 some odd counts in China.
(He was the one that was hacking into the master computers and screwing up this RV for months)
Lots more going on that was going on and of course you know that there are 116 International Bank Registrations
This list includes Banks, Investment Houses, Sovereign Wealth Funds,
Equity Funds, Savings Retirement Funds and other shadow banking
organizations. The line is very blurry between these entities, some are
owned by banks some are banks, some invest in banks as well as
owning entire industries (common in Hong Kong and Japan). .
So all of this will be tied together and the RV will happen this week.No one has said that before.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Dinar Intel
This came in from 3 intel sources - one from the forex, hong kong banking and the other from banking in Europe.
The Forex planned RV release was blocked by the UST at 3:00am this morning. UST was following the instructions of Christine of the IMF.
IMF still does not have all the signatures in place which is being done in Hong Kong for the Global Settlements. It is alleged that the England Trustee still have not signed off. He is worried about being killed in transit. Suppose to be signed at 9:00 pm EST tonight. Everything else is all signed off.
Christine is awaiting the signature of this one person and this is causing the delay.
The Dinar RV can be posted tonight immediately after this signature is done.
That is all for now and always subject to change. This intel is NOT concrete and written on jello.
John MacHaffie HIS Humble Servant
With respect to the dinar gurus ---- this is a BIG OPERATION and all
This came in from 3 intel sources - one from the forex, hong kong banking and the other from banking in Europe.
The Forex planned RV release was blocked by the UST at 3:00am this morning. UST was following the instructions of Christine of the IMF.
IMF still does not have all the signatures in place which is being done in Hong Kong for the Global Settlements. It is alleged that the England Trustee still have not signed off. He is worried about being killed in transit. Suppose to be signed at 9:00 pm EST tonight. Everything else is all signed off.
Christine is awaiting the signature of this one person and this is causing the delay.
The Dinar RV can be posted tonight immediately after this signature is done.
That is all for now and always subject to change. This intel is NOT concrete and written on jello.
John MacHaffie HIS Humble Servant
With respect to the dinar gurus ---- this is a BIG OPERATION and all
Friday, January 27, 2012
This Monetary change is Happening Now
From the PTR forum today...all I can say is WOW!
The real story: The hold up of the rv
To my Friends: I have thought about this for a long time & have waited patiently just like all of you have. Being in despair sometimes wondering why & when. Everyday a little closer & then suddenly one day we will be there. What I am about to tell you is somewhat of a secret to some of you, but to others it wont be. The Best Place To Hide The Truth is In Plain Sight. When it is Big & Exposed No One Will Hardly Recognize that it is A Lie!!! There is a lot to tell, but I will do my Best to keep this Short & Sweet. There are many that will say some good things & others that will ask the age old question as to where you got this from. It is my perspective & a Source that I have known for over 5 years that has told me one thing & one thing only that has never changed. I am not here looking for notoriety, just to Shed the Light On Why this has not happened. The truth Always Needs To be Told & This Is What I Am Here To Tell. There Are others that Have Told you Similar things. When I had a chance to read what Ratatap said just a few nights ago I felt that I didn't need to do this. When I read Studley's post last night, I said O.K. This is It. I made a Promise that if there was no RV the next day, then I would Tell the Story.
I want to Make One Thing Crystal Clear about The RV: THE HOLD UP HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ, PERIOD. The GOI, The HCL All DONE!!! Remember what Historian said about Preparing The Scene? Something has to be done to give them enough time to implement what needs to take place Out In The Open, so the blame is put on Iraq to Create More Time. Surprised? You Shouldn't be because if You Can Imagine as Freeway Bill Has Advised us on Numerous Occasions that they (Iraq) needs this worse than we do & He Told you the TRUTH!!! O.K. So What Is The Hold Up Right? You Keep hearing Most People Dance Around The Idea that this Is Bigger than The RV, yeah we all know that right??? But What Is It??? I want to give you some history so that you will know the validity of what is going down here, but at the same time I want to keep all of this to a Minimal so that you want have so much to read. Keep these things in the back of your Mind as you Read This: China, Gold(China's),The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, The Farm Claims, and The Consortium Of 153 Countries (which by the way is growing everyday). This is as much of the history that I will put out at this time. Some of you Are Very Smart & will Connect The Dots Very Easily as to the importance of the Listing Of The History without me Going Into Details.
The hold Up, the Lies, The Deceit, The Trickery is all About One Thing & One Thing Only: A Currency Change. Yes that is Right A Currency Change. About 2 weeks ago, this past Saturday, the Federal Reserve Lease with the US Govt ended Contractually. They & all of their Minions have been in Charge for so Long, they have no desire to Give Up. If you have been running things all of your Life & Your Contract now ends, do you just hand over the keys back to the city that you have controlled for ever??? No You Don't because Of The Power Complex. What you constantly hear is that this is Bigger than the RV. They Are Right. What Is happening Before Your Very Eyes, Most Behind Your back Is that All of The Federal Reserve Notes are about to become WORTHLESS. You thought Dinar was Worthless Wait Just a Little While & Then Our Dollars Will Be Worse than The Dinar. O.K. This Is It In a Nutshell: The Reason why there has been no RV is because when this happens you will not be paid out in Federal Reserve Notes. You Will be Paid Out In New Treasury Notes, backed by something REAL (Gold, Silver, & even Perhaps Oil) You See This Change Over Has To Take Place because The Murdering, Lying Thieves Of The Federal Reserves cannot be Trusted. The War Of 1812 was about A Bank Charter. Guess What Bank they were trying to Resurrect??? You Guessed it, A central banking System Ran By WHO??? The Same Liars As Now. JFK, knew that they were A Threat To Society & This Is Why They Had Him Killed. JFK was Brilliant, he was going to Do Something that Had Never been Done Before & that was He Was Going To Level The Playing Field. The abundance of Inequalities that exist had he lived would not be as they are now. He was Ahead of His Time.
There is a paradigm shift that is about to take place. This is not the stuff that you read in story books, but the Real Deal, involving Real People Like You & me. This Is The Time that God Speaks About In His Words That The Wealth Of The Wicked Will Be taken Away & Given To His People. Those that have Had Will Be Stripped & those that Have Not Had Will Receive The Abundance That All Of Us Have Heard About Long Ago.America has been Deemed A Sleeping Giant & Now it is Time For us To Awaken From Our Slumber. This is Our Time!!!
The video that most of you have seen that went viral several weeks ago where the spokesman of the Consortium of 153 countries. If you noticed that he did not tape this on one of the Networks that we have here in the US because the information will be skewed. One of the things that he said that was given him from the group is that 3 things must be changed & the first of those was the Monetary System. The Countries involved know that it is TIME FOR A CHANGE. This Monetary change is Happening Now because the Federal Reserve cannot be Trusted. When the Basel 3 Initiative has been fully Implemented then everything will be SET IN STONE. There are a few things that need to be completed, but just know this: The New Money even before the Dinar came into play has been sitting in the banks just waiting for this time for well over 5 years. I will end this here As I Feel that I have said what needed to be said. Just Know that We Are There!!! Wanted To Shed The Light On What Was In The Dark that Most Were Dancing
From the PTR forum today...all I can say is WOW!
The real story: The hold up of the rv
To my Friends: I have thought about this for a long time & have waited patiently just like all of you have. Being in despair sometimes wondering why & when. Everyday a little closer & then suddenly one day we will be there. What I am about to tell you is somewhat of a secret to some of you, but to others it wont be. The Best Place To Hide The Truth is In Plain Sight. When it is Big & Exposed No One Will Hardly Recognize that it is A Lie!!! There is a lot to tell, but I will do my Best to keep this Short & Sweet. There are many that will say some good things & others that will ask the age old question as to where you got this from. It is my perspective & a Source that I have known for over 5 years that has told me one thing & one thing only that has never changed. I am not here looking for notoriety, just to Shed the Light On Why this has not happened. The truth Always Needs To be Told & This Is What I Am Here To Tell. There Are others that Have Told you Similar things. When I had a chance to read what Ratatap said just a few nights ago I felt that I didn't need to do this. When I read Studley's post last night, I said O.K. This is It. I made a Promise that if there was no RV the next day, then I would Tell the Story.
I want to Make One Thing Crystal Clear about The RV: THE HOLD UP HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ, PERIOD. The GOI, The HCL All DONE!!! Remember what Historian said about Preparing The Scene? Something has to be done to give them enough time to implement what needs to take place Out In The Open, so the blame is put on Iraq to Create More Time. Surprised? You Shouldn't be because if You Can Imagine as Freeway Bill Has Advised us on Numerous Occasions that they (Iraq) needs this worse than we do & He Told you the TRUTH!!! O.K. So What Is The Hold Up Right? You Keep hearing Most People Dance Around The Idea that this Is Bigger than The RV, yeah we all know that right??? But What Is It??? I want to give you some history so that you will know the validity of what is going down here, but at the same time I want to keep all of this to a Minimal so that you want have so much to read. Keep these things in the back of your Mind as you Read This: China, Gold(China's),The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, The Farm Claims, and The Consortium Of 153 Countries (which by the way is growing everyday). This is as much of the history that I will put out at this time. Some of you Are Very Smart & will Connect The Dots Very Easily as to the importance of the Listing Of The History without me Going Into Details.
The hold Up, the Lies, The Deceit, The Trickery is all About One Thing & One Thing Only: A Currency Change. Yes that is Right A Currency Change. About 2 weeks ago, this past Saturday, the Federal Reserve Lease with the US Govt ended Contractually. They & all of their Minions have been in Charge for so Long, they have no desire to Give Up. If you have been running things all of your Life & Your Contract now ends, do you just hand over the keys back to the city that you have controlled for ever??? No You Don't because Of The Power Complex. What you constantly hear is that this is Bigger than the RV. They Are Right. What Is happening Before Your Very Eyes, Most Behind Your back Is that All of The Federal Reserve Notes are about to become WORTHLESS. You thought Dinar was Worthless Wait Just a Little While & Then Our Dollars Will Be Worse than The Dinar. O.K. This Is It In a Nutshell: The Reason why there has been no RV is because when this happens you will not be paid out in Federal Reserve Notes. You Will be Paid Out In New Treasury Notes, backed by something REAL (Gold, Silver, & even Perhaps Oil) You See This Change Over Has To Take Place because The Murdering, Lying Thieves Of The Federal Reserves cannot be Trusted. The War Of 1812 was about A Bank Charter. Guess What Bank they were trying to Resurrect??? You Guessed it, A central banking System Ran By WHO??? The Same Liars As Now. JFK, knew that they were A Threat To Society & This Is Why They Had Him Killed. JFK was Brilliant, he was going to Do Something that Had Never been Done Before & that was He Was Going To Level The Playing Field. The abundance of Inequalities that exist had he lived would not be as they are now. He was Ahead of His Time.
There is a paradigm shift that is about to take place. This is not the stuff that you read in story books, but the Real Deal, involving Real People Like You & me. This Is The Time that God Speaks About In His Words That The Wealth Of The Wicked Will Be taken Away & Given To His People. Those that have Had Will Be Stripped & those that Have Not Had Will Receive The Abundance That All Of Us Have Heard About Long Ago.America has been Deemed A Sleeping Giant & Now it is Time For us To Awaken From Our Slumber. This is Our Time!!!
The video that most of you have seen that went viral several weeks ago where the spokesman of the Consortium of 153 countries. If you noticed that he did not tape this on one of the Networks that we have here in the US because the information will be skewed. One of the things that he said that was given him from the group is that 3 things must be changed & the first of those was the Monetary System. The Countries involved know that it is TIME FOR A CHANGE. This Monetary change is Happening Now because the Federal Reserve cannot be Trusted. When the Basel 3 Initiative has been fully Implemented then everything will be SET IN STONE. There are a few things that need to be completed, but just know this: The New Money even before the Dinar came into play has been sitting in the banks just waiting for this time for well over 5 years. I will end this here As I Feel that I have said what needed to be said. Just Know that We Are There!!! Wanted To Shed The Light On What Was In The Dark that Most Were Dancing
Sunday, January 8, 2012
convert Dinar to US dollars
When you convert Dinar to US dollars, you are not selling anything that brings taxable capital gain. You aren’t selling a house, or stock, or any of the normal capital-increasing gains. The IRS read-out below states this, and it makes sense.
Suppose that you never cash in your Dinar. You could simply fly to Iraq and spend the Dinar there to buy cars, boats, TVs, and lots of cell phones (for example).
At cash-in time, (after the RV) you are merely converting one currency to another – Dinar converts into US dollars. Assuming the RV has occurred, the dollars you get when you convert them have the same value as the Dinar. You won’t get anymore or less than exactly the newly assigned value of the Dinar.
Therefore the IRS states below that no capital gains tax is due when you cash-in Dinar. Read carefully the IRS findings shown below and verify them for yourself.
Beware - if you put your US dollars into an interest bearing bank account (for even one day), you will gain interest and you will owe tax on the interest gained for that one day. It’s best to deposit your dollars into a non-interest-bearing bank or credit union account.
Examine this IRS opinion regarding form 8938.
The form was designed to identify people with off-shore
bank accounts or LLCs, or Corporations and get them
to reliably report their holdings.
Fortunately, none of the hype [about form 8938] applies to private citizens who happen to be holding foreign currency such as the Dinar or Vietnam Dong.
IRS statements regarding Dinar follow:
I, [xxx,yyy], took the time to call the IRS [Special Accounts Division]. I spoke to a supervisor named Ms. Theresa Klier (Employee# 1000349035). She informed me that this form 8938 has been in existence since June of this year [2011], following attempts by speculators in recent months to shield themselves from federal levies.
This obligation to report income that people derive from foreign currency accounts [bank accounts in other countries that hold non-US currencies] didn’t suddenly become law last week. [Reporting on your offshore accounts has been an IRS requirement for a long time.]
She said that the IRS is targeting a specific group of individuals who, until now, have been hiding assets with the specific intent of avoiding taxation by the Treasury Department. Per Ms. Klier, the federal government requires individuals to complete Form 8938 only under the following circumstances:
1) If you hold stock issued by a foreign corporation [because stocks eventually may generate capital gains when they are sold and US tax will be due.]
2) If you earn capital or have accrued interest from profits earned through a foreign partnership
3) If you hold notes, bonds, debentures or other debt instruments issued by a foreign entity
[ because notes and bonds produce capital gain sooner or later – for which you will owe US tax.]
4) If you’ve earned interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate [tax on interest will be due – even in a US bank account.]
5) If you hold options or other derivative instruments with respect to any of the forgoing examples or with respect to any currency or commodity that’s entered into with a foreign counter-party or issuer.
[For example Forex Traders who use a computer to buy and sell currencies, are not converting [Francs] from one currency to another. Forex traders can buy 1000 Swiss Francs (a real purchase) and then sell them back ten minutes later, hoping to have made a profit. Tax will be due on that profit. In contrast, Dinar holders aren’t selling anything when they convert Dinar to US dollars. The US dollars will be exactly equal to the value of the Dinar – assuming the RV has been announced.]
***I made a point of asking [IRS Klier] if currency secured through a licensed currency trader [like Dinar Banker] would bring a private citizen under the purview of the laws that Form 8938 is designed to enforce and she said “NO”.
Other than the conditions referenced above, Dinar holders are only obliged to turn in Form 8938 if they purchased the currency directly from a foreign agent or a foreign bank or agent operating outside of our borders***
Since various phone calls to the IRS have in the past produced a variety of answers, please seek local verification of the interpretations above.
Tax for capital gains produced in 2012 are not fully due until April of 2013, but quarterly payments are demanded throughout the year, and late penalties for missing the quarterly payments are very real.
Some people will probably choose to simply pay a flat 15% to the IRS as a safe action. (fine)
Why? Given rumors that:
- many banks can and do close for reasons of illiquidity or bankruptcy, and
- the FDIC did not recover client funds when MF Global bank went down in December 2011, and
- martial law may possibly be declared in 2012, and
- the dollar is going down in value (faster and faster), and
- high tax increases are coming as healthcare hollows out savings, and
- the price of gasoline may double, and
- ATM machines would stop working if a dreaded bank holiday is ordered, and
- gas pumps cannot accept credit cards when banks fail (requiring US dollar cash only), and
- banks or government edicts may ration your access to your funds (as in France), and
- wealthy people may be forced to pay much extra so that it can be distributed to pay the free health care that illegal aliens are to be given, and
- government committees will have direct access to all bank accounts to withdraw whatever they think you are able to pay to support welfare programs, (the wealthy should pay more, we hear), and
- A new gold or metals-backed US currency of unknown value may replace current greenback dollars.
Therefore some people may decide to over-pay, known or unknown taxes, up front while their funds are still liquid with US dollars in the bank (soon after the Dinar RV.)
We don’t know – you may pay $200 greenback dollars to get one of the (expected) gold-backed bills above, instantly cutting your savings in half. Let’s hope the new bills won’t cost $1000 dollars to get one gold-backed new $100 bill.
If 2012 goes smoothly, any excess paid into the IRS will come back to you in 2013, or will be sitting there in your IRS account as a credit against future taxes in future years.
Seek verification in writing that the five points above are trustworthy.
Two separate people on two separate occasions obtained the points above. Blue brackets above are my clarifying inserts.
Suppose that you never cash in your Dinar. You could simply fly to Iraq and spend the Dinar there to buy cars, boats, TVs, and lots of cell phones (for example).
At cash-in time, (after the RV) you are merely converting one currency to another – Dinar converts into US dollars. Assuming the RV has occurred, the dollars you get when you convert them have the same value as the Dinar. You won’t get anymore or less than exactly the newly assigned value of the Dinar.
Therefore the IRS states below that no capital gains tax is due when you cash-in Dinar. Read carefully the IRS findings shown below and verify them for yourself.
Beware - if you put your US dollars into an interest bearing bank account (for even one day), you will gain interest and you will owe tax on the interest gained for that one day. It’s best to deposit your dollars into a non-interest-bearing bank or credit union account.
Examine this IRS opinion regarding form 8938.
The form was designed to identify people with off-shore
bank accounts or LLCs, or Corporations and get them
to reliably report their holdings.
Fortunately, none of the hype [about form 8938] applies to private citizens who happen to be holding foreign currency such as the Dinar or Vietnam Dong.
IRS statements regarding Dinar follow:
I, [xxx,yyy], took the time to call the IRS [Special Accounts Division]. I spoke to a supervisor named Ms. Theresa Klier (Employee# 1000349035). She informed me that this form 8938 has been in existence since June of this year [2011], following attempts by speculators in recent months to shield themselves from federal levies.
This obligation to report income that people derive from foreign currency accounts [bank accounts in other countries that hold non-US currencies] didn’t suddenly become law last week. [Reporting on your offshore accounts has been an IRS requirement for a long time.]
She said that the IRS is targeting a specific group of individuals who, until now, have been hiding assets with the specific intent of avoiding taxation by the Treasury Department. Per Ms. Klier, the federal government requires individuals to complete Form 8938 only under the following circumstances:
1) If you hold stock issued by a foreign corporation [because stocks eventually may generate capital gains when they are sold and US tax will be due.]
2) If you earn capital or have accrued interest from profits earned through a foreign partnership
3) If you hold notes, bonds, debentures or other debt instruments issued by a foreign entity
[ because notes and bonds produce capital gain sooner or later – for which you will owe US tax.]
4) If you’ve earned interest in a foreign trust or a foreign estate [tax on interest will be due – even in a US bank account.]
5) If you hold options or other derivative instruments with respect to any of the forgoing examples or with respect to any currency or commodity that’s entered into with a foreign counter-party or issuer.
[For example Forex Traders who use a computer to buy and sell currencies, are not converting [Francs] from one currency to another. Forex traders can buy 1000 Swiss Francs (a real purchase) and then sell them back ten minutes later, hoping to have made a profit. Tax will be due on that profit. In contrast, Dinar holders aren’t selling anything when they convert Dinar to US dollars. The US dollars will be exactly equal to the value of the Dinar – assuming the RV has been announced.]
***I made a point of asking [IRS Klier] if currency secured through a licensed currency trader [like Dinar Banker] would bring a private citizen under the purview of the laws that Form 8938 is designed to enforce and she said “NO”.
Other than the conditions referenced above, Dinar holders are only obliged to turn in Form 8938 if they purchased the currency directly from a foreign agent or a foreign bank or agent operating outside of our borders***
Since various phone calls to the IRS have in the past produced a variety of answers, please seek local verification of the interpretations above.
Tax for capital gains produced in 2012 are not fully due until April of 2013, but quarterly payments are demanded throughout the year, and late penalties for missing the quarterly payments are very real.
Some people will probably choose to simply pay a flat 15% to the IRS as a safe action. (fine)
Why? Given rumors that:
- many banks can and do close for reasons of illiquidity or bankruptcy, and
- the FDIC did not recover client funds when MF Global bank went down in December 2011, and
- martial law may possibly be declared in 2012, and
- the dollar is going down in value (faster and faster), and
- high tax increases are coming as healthcare hollows out savings, and
- the price of gasoline may double, and
- ATM machines would stop working if a dreaded bank holiday is ordered, and
- gas pumps cannot accept credit cards when banks fail (requiring US dollar cash only), and
- banks or government edicts may ration your access to your funds (as in France), and
- wealthy people may be forced to pay much extra so that it can be distributed to pay the free health care that illegal aliens are to be given, and
- government committees will have direct access to all bank accounts to withdraw whatever they think you are able to pay to support welfare programs, (the wealthy should pay more, we hear), and
- A new gold or metals-backed US currency of unknown value may replace current greenback dollars.
Therefore some people may decide to over-pay, known or unknown taxes, up front while their funds are still liquid with US dollars in the bank (soon after the Dinar RV.)
We don’t know – you may pay $200 greenback dollars to get one of the (expected) gold-backed bills above, instantly cutting your savings in half. Let’s hope the new bills won’t cost $1000 dollars to get one gold-backed new $100 bill.
If 2012 goes smoothly, any excess paid into the IRS will come back to you in 2013, or will be sitting there in your IRS account as a credit against future taxes in future years.
Seek verification in writing that the five points above are trustworthy.
Two separate people on two separate occasions obtained the points above. Blue brackets above are my clarifying inserts.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Dinar RV STILL బ్లోకెద్ వ్హో డాట్ ఇన్ ఛార్జ్ అఫ్ దీనర్ ?
Dinar RV STILL BLOCKED ---- Now why? Real Story
We all have been following the dinar guru's calls of any hour now, any minute now for the Dinar RV to happen globally ----- still no cigar after how long?all Dinar Gurus were wrong on the date!
Time to publicly announce what is really going on. And this is exclusive -- a first time intel release on the net.
The IMF is in charge of the Dinar RV at this time. Only the IMF.
This is a first time worldwide reset of the world's currencies in order to get back to the gold based currency. Bye Bye Federal Reserve IOU paper notes.
The IMF needs to do the sign off on the global release and this is being done in Hong Kong (which is the world's financial center) this weekend. A committee of seven is on route to there now. They are anticipating sign offs and RV by Monday.
This is the real story which has been hid from you!The globe soon shall see the RV.iT IS A REVALUATION OF MANY COUNTRIES.
We all have been following the dinar guru's calls of any hour now, any minute now for the Dinar RV to happen globally ----- still no cigar after how long?all Dinar Gurus were wrong on the date!
Time to publicly announce what is really going on. And this is exclusive -- a first time intel release on the net.
The IMF is in charge of the Dinar RV at this time. Only the IMF.
This is a first time worldwide reset of the world's currencies in order to get back to the gold based currency. Bye Bye Federal Reserve IOU paper notes.
The IMF needs to do the sign off on the global release and this is being done in Hong Kong (which is the world's financial center) this weekend. A committee of seven is on route to there now. They are anticipating sign offs and RV by Monday.
This is the real story which has been hid from you!The globe soon shall see the RV.iT IS A REVALUATION OF MANY COUNTRIES.
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