IS THE Iraqi DINAR A JOKE ,is the iqd a scam study in the currency Battle---throw a brick
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Dinar Search
Feb 10, 2009 ... "ይህ ሽቱ ለሦስት መቶ ዲናር ተሽጦ ለድሆች ያልተሰጠ ስለ ምን ነው? አለ። ይህንም የተናገረ ሌባ ስለ ነበረ ነው እንጂ ለድሆች ተገድዶላቸው አይደለም፤ ከረጢትም ...
ንሱ ሓደ ካብቶም ዓሰርተው ክልተ ክነሱ ናብቶም ሊቃነ ካህናትን ሽሟሙንትን ከይዱ፣ "ኣነ ኣሕሊፈ ክህበኩም፣ ክንደይ ትኸፍሉኒ፧" በሎም። ሰላሳ ዲናር ክኸፍልዎ ተሰማምዑ።
ገንዘብ ብቻ ነው ያለ የእዚህ ዓለም ደስታ ዳግም ይሸጣል ስምዖን ቢመለስ ጌታ:: ለሰላሣ ዲናር ሊያጣ ነፍስ ይማር አስኮንኛት ነፍሴን አልሞላም ኪሴን ነፍሴ... እጅ እንዳትሰጪው ለኪሴ
ዕቀጭ ብሎ ዓለሙን በ30 ዲናር ፈጣሪውን ክዶት በአንድ ለሊት አዳር ጥሎት ለሚሄደው የደም ሽያጭ ሃብቱ እንዲህ ለምትጠፋው በፀፀት ህይወቱ ሰላም ላንተ የይሁን ብሎ ስሞ ጉንጩን
28 እቲ ባርያ ምስ ወጸ ግና ፡ ካብቶም ብጾቱ ሚእቲ ዲናር ዕዳ ዘለዎ ሓደ ባርያ ረኸበ ። ... 2 ምስቶም ሰብ ውዕለት ንመዓልቲ ሓደ ዲናር ምስ ተሳማምዔ፡ ናብ ኣታኽልቲ ወይኑ ሰደዶም።
May 19, 2012... ማጣታችን ሳይረሳ) የረቀቀና የተቀነባበረ የጥፋት ተልእኮ እንደ ደመወዝና ምንዳ(ይሁዳ 30ዲናር ተቀብሎ ክርስቶስን አሳልፎ እንደሰጠው ማለት ነው) የሚሰጥ ...
22 ፌብሩ 2013 ... 121, names, currency, BHD:name, Bahraini Dinar, የባኽሬን ዲናር .... 263, names, currency, DZD:name, Algerian Dinar, የአልጄሪያ ዲናር.
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ፓርቲ ሒዙ ንባቕዳድ ከይዱ። “ከምዚ ዝዓይነቱ ፕሮግራም ዘለዎ ውድብ ኣሎ” ኢሉ. ድማ፣ በተን ሰነዳት፣ ዓሰርተታት ኣሽሓትዲናር ከምዝተቐበለ ይፍለጥ። በቲ ግዜቲ. ብዙሕ ገንዘብ እዩ ...
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በሰላሳ ዲናር አስማምቶ እሚሸጣት. ባያውቀው ነው እንጂ…. ሃገር አይሸጥም. ዲን በርካሽ ነገር እንዲህ አይለውጥም. ሃገሬ እናቴ ናት ኢስላም ነው ህይወቴ. መቀለጃ አይደለም ክብሬ ...
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እትኸፍል ፓስፖርት ብ900 ዲናር (300 ዶሊር) ታሴራ ድማ. ብ270 ዲናር(88 ዶሊር) ከምዝሽይጥ ዝተረጋገጸ ሓቂ ኢዩ። ተወሳኺ ሓቅታት፡ ኣብ ሱዳን ዝርከብ ናይ ዩኤንኤችሲር.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Iraqi Dinar Gurus say a total global currency reset
WHEN? They say today ,if it does not happen today they say today is the day the next day.On and on and on... When some gurus wake up-- they go find a forum and post --any minute now. Some Gurus do say they do not know the date and rate... very few
Thursday, May 16, 2013
I tire of the Iraqi Dinar opinions
Friday, April 12, 2013
Do not shed tiers

Thursday, February 28, 2013
in the year 2525 will the ce be alive
Dinar scams should be done by then...Currency Exchange will done by when !
Monday, February 25, 2013
Will Iraqi Dinar change value
It has been about a year and the Iraqi dinar did go from 1170 to 1166 at the central bank of Iraq.
Friday, February 1, 2013
from Sterling Currency Group / DinarBanker
Thank you for making Sterling Currency Group / DinarBanker the #1 Iraqi dinar
dealer in 2012! We have many exciting plans for 2013, but Customer
Service will always be #1 on our list. Here are the highlights for
We have a special gift of Vietnamese dong (VND) for you! We will include a FREE gift of 100,000 VND for EACH full million Iraqi dinars in your shipped orders. This promo applies to orders which ship during the month of February.
By popular demand, you can now do a direct exchange of your currency to gold or silver! To exchange your currency directly to gold or silver, go to our exchange page, or you can call us at 1-888-346-2771 and talk with one of our representatives.
Watch our YouTube video:
The Indonesian rupiah joins our growing list of exotic currencies. You can purchase the rupiah or any of our other currencies on our website here.
Our prices for Iraqi dinar continue to be the most competitive in the business. We have prices as low as $980 per million even before Loyalty Credits are applied. And we always give you excellent service with our fully-staffed customer support center, live chat, and ticket system.
We appreciate our customers, and one of the ways that we show our appreciation is our Sterling Loyalty Program. This program rewards you for the money that you have spent with us.
We are pleased to announce that the December 2012 SCG Gives Back charity winner was The Salvation Army. They were also our first winner back in December 2011 when we started this program. To date, we have donated $70,000 to worthy nonprofit organizations that you selected with your votes. We encourage you to continue to vote for a charity each month at this page.
Thank you for your business in 2012, and we look forward to serving you in 2013!
Best wishes,
Ty Rhame
Sterling Currency Group / DinarBanker
We have a special gift of Vietnamese dong (VND) for you! We will include a FREE gift of 100,000 VND for EACH full million Iraqi dinars in your shipped orders. This promo applies to orders which ship during the month of February.
By popular demand, you can now do a direct exchange of your currency to gold or silver! To exchange your currency directly to gold or silver, go to our exchange page, or you can call us at 1-888-346-2771 and talk with one of our representatives.
Watch our YouTube video:
The Indonesian rupiah joins our growing list of exotic currencies. You can purchase the rupiah or any of our other currencies on our website here.
Our prices for Iraqi dinar continue to be the most competitive in the business. We have prices as low as $980 per million even before Loyalty Credits are applied. And we always give you excellent service with our fully-staffed customer support center, live chat, and ticket system.
We appreciate our customers, and one of the ways that we show our appreciation is our Sterling Loyalty Program. This program rewards you for the money that you have spent with us.
We are pleased to announce that the December 2012 SCG Gives Back charity winner was The Salvation Army. They were also our first winner back in December 2011 when we started this program. To date, we have donated $70,000 to worthy nonprofit organizations that you selected with your votes. We encourage you to continue to vote for a charity each month at this page.
Thank you for your business in 2012, and we look forward to serving you in 2013!
Best wishes,
Ty Rhame
Sterling Currency Group / DinarBanker
Saturday, January 5, 2013
how did they make the Iraqi Dinar investment a joke
First,get a whole bunch of gurus with intel (rumtel) that is always has wrong dates and rates.Or just keep saying many new rates and dates.We read the dinarians forums.Like the Dinar scams twitter feed this is the last blog post until a major change in the value of the Iraqi Dinar.Some say it is all about Iraq,some say it is a total global currency reset. Some say it is a combo This blog is not saying nothing until the day of either . We say have a great 2013.
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