Monday, March 5, 2012

China and Dinar

From a person in China who knows directly what is going on:

The Dinar RV will happen this week FOR SURE...
This is now in the hands of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements)...instead of the US Treasury
G is under house arrest. K, has been arrested.
B is being held for treason on 30 some odd counts in China.
(He was the one that was hacking into the master computers and screwing up this RV for months)

Lots more going on that was going on and of course you know that there are 116 International Bank Registrations
This list includes Banks, Investment Houses, Sovereign Wealth Funds,
Equity Funds, Savings Retirement Funds and other shadow banking
organizations. The line is very blurry between these entities, some are
owned by banks some are banks, some invest in banks as well as
owning entire industries (common in Hong Kong and Japan). .

So all of this will be tied together and the RV will happen this week.No one has said that before.

1 comment:

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    Iraqi Dinar
